The assignment was to create 3 images, based on the theme of "Beyond the Surface". You have to hand in:
- 1 naturalistic (realistic) image
- 1 abstract image
- 1 title design (see below)
The assignment has to be handed in on CD/DVD, with a outside and inside cover, this is mine, as it will look for the assignment. The inside/back has to include thumbnails of the other works. Not sure what I was going for here but it kind of works.

Here's it without the thumbnails, I'll probably replace this with a version that actually has the picture at the back instead.

The naturalistic one, sorry for the crappy quality but it's so it doesn't take long to download for those who may actually read this blog. I got lazy with it since it's the one I dislike the most.

My favourite, it doesn't look too great but I still like this kind of thing.

I really only like the abstract one (the one with the fish). The others are not so good, but then we have a few Photoshop Wizards in the class, and I dislike doing "realistic" photomanlipulations.
In other news, I had a very distracting but somewhat amusing Programming class, yesterday night. It started with some of us trying to start on our new programming assignment when one of the members of the class started to have a 'gripe' session. For someone who's only 18/19, he sounds like a unhappy elderly person. He had quite a few things to say about going to the movies, retail service, people from Redbank, working and dirty old man. And movie he liked, somewhere in there, I did over hear, "Why did Dracula make Frankenstien?" (it's a Van Helsing thing)
I also got told (by Matt the teacher) that when you're my age, all your similarly aged friends are going to start getting married, and which you are not likely to do anytime soon(or ever). I'd already figured it out but to have someone tell you, it sort of hits you a little more directly. Of course it's nice when you know a few people who are going to go through it yourself. We've already taken a guess on that most of the Games Design students, won't be getting married.
I missed Sock Puppet Monday, apparently some of Game Design students managed to freak out quite a few people. I've been told that the 1st year Animation students are either robots or desensitised to bizzare behaviour. James, the 2nd year student mentor, spoke of an incident where they(Game students) threw a girl, who was wrapped in a rug into a room. None of the animation students had a (good) reaction. Apparently it's fairly normal behaviour for that girl in question though... I heard, she likes to get into the crawl spaces in the ceiling...
So far going okay, despite my sudden dependance on coffee, it only took me 2 weeks to get hooked on it. O_o Pretty much all the Gamers are either on caffine or taurine or both. Which can produce some interesting results...