Wednesday 13 June 2007

Don't go over my head with this one

Can't belive I forgot to write something about this - Metaphysical painting As liberally poached in the middle of the night from the dark forest itself. And can also be found here.

Actually I should have read this much earlier and then Chirico's paintings would have made much more sense to me.

"Metaphysical Painting sprang from the urge to explore the imagined inner life of familiar objects when represented out of their explanatory contexts..."

I think I was on the right track with my last entry when I tried to explain where my picture was headed. It wouldn't really matter what I said since it was a reality constructed from my own mind or from some other reality.

"...represented a visionary world which engaged most immediately with the unconscious mind..."

According to everyone's favourite internet monkey,Metaphysics deals with explaining the ultimate nature of reality, being, and the world. And asks such questions as:
* What is the meaning of life?
* What is the nature of reality?
* What is mankind's place in the universe?
* Are colors objective or subjective?
* Does the world exist outside the mind?
* What is the nature of objects, events, places?

And blah blah dealing with subjects that beyond the physical world. And now a lot of words from Promethea by Alan Moore and J.H Williams. It has a fair amount of metaphysical theorizing,which is why it is appearing here. This tidbit is from a section that looks at man's journey through history and life. This particular section refers to The Tower tarot card.

Like,Babel,meant to heaven reach,
all towers men build a lesson teach.
Lightning,descending from the sky,
reminds man there's but one most high.

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