This one is my favourite, it involves two pieces of paper,charcoal,white conte and a rag. The life model was wrapped up in calico,given a cow's skull and put on a chair. We drew what we wanted,every 30 mins we turned the model and chair around and drew what we say from the 'new view'.

These are charcoal,graphite and white conte on ink stained paper and are based on the principal of vanitas
I've been asked to talk/write about the how and why of this upcoming project. So far I think it's a response and a return to my recent education in the human figure.
If you compare these two figure drawings, the top one from last year and the other from a few months ago.

From last year and part of this year, I've learnt I have decent observational skills but a lot of the time,when I do drawing outside a classroom situation, I don't have the same feeling as when I am in a studio. There's something about my class work that I do like and that isn't present in my non-class work.
Here be some observational sketches from last year:
Drawings from last semester:

Compared with these from last year:
This ones don't really feel as well produced as the others but while I was drawing them, I was trying to think outside: "this is a drawing of a person". Unfortunately I can't remember what I was thinking of at the time.

This next set somewhat reflects part of my (old?) approach to drawing the figure and of myself. None of these figures have faces, which is perhaps forcing them to become a bunch of bodies in motion.
With this new project (which will be explained in another entry) I've decided to return to this idea of an unknown human form and the concept/idea of an isolated human, maybe someone who is looking for recognition but who can not get it because they do not pocess a full identity. I'm also playing with the idea of wheter people can react to this unknown form despite not understanding fully who or what they may be doing.
More on these later.
Project Arms2.0 - A discussion on changes in the project
Influences - Project "Arms" influences
Project "Arms" hybrids - variants on Project Arms
Project "Arms" - All about the Project