Friday 8 August 2008

Hybrid vehicle

In allience with past enteries, at the start of Project "Arms" development, I'd been told to keep it aligned with other classes to keep the workload down. So I thought I share a few pieces that come from my Drawing with contempoary techniques" class.
These drawings are based on the concept of combining a "no fine art" image/item and use it to create an artwork. Of course, how could I resist drawing hands. Excuse the blurry photos, nicer ones are coming.

Drawn on a photocopy of a list of longtitude/latitude of places, pencil and pen


Photocopy of a technical drawing pasted onto A3 sheet, blue ballpoint pen


Ink and water on paper, black ball point

This one needs more work, it's a start of something.

Project Arms2.0 - A discussion on changes in the project
Other Works" - Works that Project "Arms" reference
Project "Arms" - All about the Project
A Look - Retrospective on past drawings

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