Some exercises in body language, posing using a body type. This is a kind of ongoing project that I'm using to help me with characterisation. The anatomy isn't correct but the pose/character feels right.

Some old thing I found on my computer. Didn't really go according to plan.

An attempt at buildings or something. I really need to work on those.

A sketch on the computer, I'm really excited about this one since it's the first face that's come out really well. Of course profiles are the easiest but I still like it. The hands are kind of wrong but I was drawing without any reference except from my own hands.

Drawn after the above. No idea why it's a person in a strange suit. I just wanted to draw some vintage suitcases and decided to add a strange person to it. I'll work more with this image later.

Another strange musician, I originally wanted to draw one with six arms and a turban. But I don't think my skill level is good enough to pull something like that.

At a family dinner one night, we got onto the topic of discussing children's shows (mainly cartoons). We spent most of the time bemoaning that my cousin who's 11, until a few years ago, did not know who or what "Loony Tunes" was. Some time afterwards, I saw part of a retrospective of ABC children's programming and who should appear but an old friend, Mr Squiggle.
I think it's part of this show's influence that got me interested in drawing and cartoons. It's sad to think that I am part of that generation who were the last to see him on air. Okay, it's a little embarassing that I am even drawing this when I could be drawing great artworks or something. But I guess sometimes you need to do it. References come from Spirits Dancing and K-Tastic
Here's the original sketch.

A once over to figure out the details.

A re-do so it looks like pencil. I'm not finished with it yet so we'll see more of this later.

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