Friday 3 October 2008

Artist statement

I've been asked to write an artist's statement about the work going into "Exit", the end of year exhibition. It's quite challenging because I still haven't figured out why I make art in the way I do and what the art is about. It's getting to be a problem since I've never been able to describe stuff, I just "know". So far this is what I've gotten from my brain last night about the drawings that will go up.

Works that explore the relationships between male and female identities

An exploration between masculinity and femininity through the use of representation. Sourced from how each sex represents each other in their own media, these works are trying to re-evaluate the concepts of male and female identities and differences. Are we still trying to attract attention from ourselves or from each other?

Anima - man’s feminine side: in Jungian psychology, the feminine aspect of man’s personality

Animus - woman’s masculine side: in Jungian psychology, the masculine aspect of a woman’s personality

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