These are a series of works that explore the relationships between male and female identities through the use of representation. Sourced from how each sex represents each other in their own media, these works are trying to re-evaluate the concepts of male and female identities and differences. Are we still trying to attract attention from ourselves or from each other? How does one see the other side?
Anima - man’s feminine side: in Jungian psychology, the feminine aspect of man’s personality
Animus - woman’s masculine side: in Jungian psychology, the masculine aspect of a woman’s personality
Scholasticism - close adherence to the methods, traditions, and teachings of a sect or school.
That really doesn't make sense without the pictures and titles. So here's so updated shots of what I'm working on. The animal heads series is not going too badly, hopefully by next week it'll hit the direction it's supposed to. Though the position of some of the heads are bothering me, and I am considering superimposing people faces in there too. And I admit, the names are pretty obvious, but people still use these words so I find it valid.
"Anima (Beefcake)"

"Animus (Bitch)"

"Animus (Pussy)"

"Animus (Cock)"

Details from "Male Scholasticism" and "Female Ecstasy", not sure what's going to happen here, I think there's a bit of confusion going on with what I had planned and what is happening now. At the moment, it looks like it's going to be more text based then pictorial, so if all else fails, I'm just going to draw a whole heap of body parts in the spaces and fill the rest with black and white. Stuff in brackets are my add-ins that I might consider putting in.

I'm sure somewhere out there, there is the "rock god" dream, who could resist?

A short section, possibly about sexual attraction, or male puberty. I have't figured it out yet.

Lots of breasts, there will probably be words describing what kind of girl she should be.

Lots of women have issues regarding their bodies

Notice, they don't have any faces, I think it's important for this section to leave them faceless.

These are the hands of: a father/a son/a fighter/a misogynist/a protector (some more things)

This comes from The Whitlams song "Coming up for Air"

There's something about just touching that seems to bring people closer.
The End - Final photos of the Anima/Animus project
Jump Start - Pictures of advanced project development
Fast Track - Progress shots and notes of changes to the project
Progress shots - Some progress shots from 12th Oct
Anima/Animus - Advanced progression of the project
Arist Statement 1.0 - The first version of the artist statement
September Progress - Some early progress shots
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