I did a little more work on the animal drawings. To do them properly, I'm going to have to get some more reference pictures. I should explain a little more about these pictures. Starting back again at the arist statement (which I have had described by a teacher as a nesscary evil)
These are a series of works that explore the relationships between male and female identities through the use of representation. Sourced from how each sex represents each other in their own media, these works are trying to re-evaluate the concepts of male and female identities and differences. Are we still trying to attract attention from ourselves or from each other? How does one see the other side?
Anima - man’s feminine side: in Jungian psychology, the feminine aspect of man’s personality
Animus - woman’s masculine side: in Jungian psychology, the masculine aspect of a woman’s personality
Edit 15th Nov: Completly forgot to add this in while I was writing this.
But this project does owe a lot to Heidi Guthmann Birk, a German ceramics artist that I found while researching some things last semester.

Title: Birdlike Woman on Pole
Medium: Stoneware with slip glaze
Size: 128 x 62 cm

Title: Antelope Manimal
Medium: Sagger-fired Stoneware
Size: 33 x 36 cm

Title: Cat Manimal
Medium: Sagger-fired Stoneware
Size: 33 x 36 cm
"The Manimals visualise a unity between animals and the human beings…they display features which we consider animal features. But could they, on the other hand, be human features only found in animals? The levels of interpretation are manifold."
Birck in Waller, J, 2001, The Human Form in Clay, The Crowwood Press Ltd, Wiltshire
Then of course, there's this guy who can be found at the intersection of Ann and Wharf Street. I don't know who made him but I'll glad if anyone can tell me.

So what I'm really trying to get at is, a look at what you find when you look at people through a different perspective. Well maybe how we see people in terms of sexuality and desire. Well, I don't know much about those so I'll leave that for another rant.
But if you went and had a look at some womens and mens magazines, there are some pretty obvious things in how they portray the opposite sex. Which are the sort of poses I'm trying to recreate in the "Anima/Animus" series. As for the animal heads, I find a lot of words that relate to sexual organs/acts or just how people refer to each other has some basis/relates to animals.
"Anima (Beefcake)"

I still need to work on the head, this one refers to the the distorted fact that women seem to have some attraction to men with lots of muscles but also to the perception that men need muscles to be "manly".
"Animus (Pussy)"

The head on this one is bothering me, it's in the wrong position thus making the neck too short. I'm not sure if I should scrap the face off and reglue a new set on. Supposably cats (and people) are very amorous creatures. There's something about looking at pictures of girls in guy magazines, and they are always inviting. There's something kind of "sensual" in the poses and the image they generate. Even if she looks like that, I don't know if she really means it. (Seriously, this is getting hard to write about)
"Anima (Cock)"

Another one with a head problem, and I need to seriously fix the body. When you talk about men and women, there's going to be a joke about "compensation". He looks like he's not too willing to talk about things either. I guess he's the strong and silent type.
"Animus (Bitch)"

This one comes from a picture from a underwear add, so her breasts need a lot of work.
Just a few pictures of what I have been working on in drawing class. We've been working on using projections and cardboard boxes. It's been interesting to say the least. Some of these remind me of the word "bayou". If you read the meaning, then you can kind of see where I'm coming from.
–noun, plural -ous. Chiefly Lower Mississippi Valley and Gulf States.
1. a marshy arm, inlet, or outlet of a lake, river, etc., usually sluggish or stagnant.
2. any of various other often boggy and slow-moving or still bodies of water.
[Origin: 1710–20, Americanism;

Progress shots - Some progress shots from 12th Oct
Anima/Animus - Advanced progression of the project
Progress 5th Oct - Progress and notes of the project
Arist Statement 1.0 - The first version of the artist statement
September Progress - Some early progress shots
Project Arms2.0 - A discussion on changes in the project
Project "Arms" - All about the Project
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