Just about finished, hopefully the first 8 of these are going into the exhibition. Glad to get them done and I feel pretty happy with them. It's my first time doing something this big and a lots happened with them over the last 2-3 months.
So here's the final shots! The actual pictures aren't this dark but since they aren't with me I can't adjust the pictures
The Anima/Animus series
Mixed media drawings
Animus (Pussy)

Anima (Cock)



Anima/Animus Redux series
Mixed media drawings
Hey Baby,Hello Ladies

Kiss Kiss Bangalore

She looks like she can suck

Muscle Mass

Redux Female

Redux Male

The last few months have been really amazing and it all ends this month. I've think I've come a long way and
bizarrely grew up too. I'll post more when the exhibition ends.
Jump Start - Pictures of advanced project development
Fast Track - Progress shots and notes of changes to the project
Progress shots - Some progress shots from 12th Oct
Anima/Animus - Advanced progression of the project
Progress 5th Oct - Progress and notes of the project
Arist Statement 1.0 - The first version of the artist statement
September Progress - Some early progress shots
Project Arms2.0 - A discussion on changes in the project
Other Works" - Works that Project "Arms" reference
Project "Arms" hybrids - variants on Project Arms
Project "Arms" - All about the Project
A Look - Retrospective on past drawings